I’m thinking about inventory requirements in two major categories – requirements for conducting the inventory itself, and requirements for the reports that the inventory produces.
As far as the inventory itself goes, I think the following requirements are pretty clear. Do you folks agree with these?
- Support a variety of portable devices: i.e. scanners, laptops, RFID readers. Anything that can store barcodes in a text file.
- Allow you to inventory a contiguous range of call numbers of any size.
- Should not require a live wireless connection to the staff network, since this is not available in all places in all libraries. Even if there is wireless coverage in the library, it may not extend to all areas of the stacks.
- Should provide a comparison between the scanned barcodes and the items in the catalog for that call number range and identify discrepancies
As far as a report “package” that would be produced from the inventory process, I’m less clear on what’s needed. Here’s my questions:
- If the inventory find items that are on the shelf, but have a status other than available, do you want to
- Fix it on the spot
- Review an error report, and then go back and fix it.
- For items that have incorrect status codes, would want
- A total count of all the items with incorrect status codes
- A breakdown by status code (i.e. 6 missing items were found on the shelf, 2 claims returned items, and 2 in transit items)
- A breakdown by status code, along with the specific titles involved.
- For misshelved or out of place items, would you want to
- Fix it on the spot
- Review an error report, and then go back and fix it.
- What kind of circulation statistics, if any, should be included in the reports?
- Should any kind of age information (i.e. item create date, cat date, publish date) be included in the reports?
- Should any other item related information be included in the reports?